——— Canti gesti

Brussels – Q-O2 – 01-2024
Italian work songs & Feedbacks

Analog silver prints : Po river valley « La Bassissima » in Emilia-Romagna

Loup Uberto is a french musician and vocalist, archivist and luthier operating in the vast circle of improvised music and singular phonic experiments. Oscillating at the borders of documentary craftsmanship, photography, installation and performance, he founded the group Bégayer and carried out numerous sound surveys while travelling: Cuban “raw” music, East European diaries, Kurdish songs from Syria, struggles and mystics from the Tunisian mining basin, Italian songs of work and peasant gesture… With a fleeting practice of collective sound, writing and photographic archiving, his work question the contemporaneous feeling of a cultural lack and uprooting, documenting wandering, exile, modern popular epopees, troubles and labours.